1.   Put wharves and put erm what was the other one I said?

2.   And le, it turned out just because at one point Mary put erm.

3.   Jim put the erm, stand will it Jimmy?

4.   I put erm two or three pieces of aubretia in there.

5.   She goes, she puts erm, A, hey, no H, H A V E I N G!

6.   Stay in the car stay with the car and put these erm, motorists lights on.

v. + erm >>共 134
have 11.31%
say 6.55%
do 5.95%
get 5.65%
know 3.87%
see 3.27%
can 2.98%
go 2.98%
think 2.98%
watch 2.08%
put 1.79%
put + n. >>共 1303
pressure 8.43%
money 3.74%
end 2.55%
hand 1.55%
arm 1.07%
ball 1.03%
emphasis 1.02%
people 0.91%
lot 0.85%
name 0.72%
erm 0.02%
每页显示:    共 6