1.   At least they respect what putting a face on a house does.

2.   This could be done by putting screens on houses to create a barrier between sick people and mosquitoes.

3.   This will not be done by putting just American bureaucrats on al-Jazeera television.

4.   This is done by putting the mirror inside a vacuum chamber and heating up tungsten filaments that have aluminum soldered to them.

5.   He said it would not take much to upgrade the Russian nuclear arsenal and that it would be done by putting multiple warheads on strategic missiles.

v. + do >>共 392
be 17.79%
have 8.01%
go 5.89%
come 1.65%
win 1.65%
use 1.18%
make 0.94%
work 0.82%
get 0.71%
say 0.71%
put 0.59%
put + v. >>共 89
be 37.44%
back 3.32%
up 2.84%
do 2.37%
make 2.37%
risk 2.37%
come 1.90%
out 1.90%
determine 1.42%
accomplish 1.42%
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