1.   Nice pussy cat somewhere.

2.   Got to have a lot of pussy cats.

3.   Look, a pussy cat!

4.   And the pussy cat goes!!

5.   Al Gore went from attack dog to pussy cat.

6.   But Singapore, the once-roaring lion in a den of Southeast Asian tiger economies, is beginning to sound more like a pussy cat.

7.   Singapore, the once-roaring lion in a den of Southeast Asian tiger economies, is beginning to sound more like a pussy cat.

8.   Yet the tiger, which in the poem represents the frightening view of nature, actually looks like a pussy cat, Essick pointed out.

n. + cat >>共 87
house 17.93%
jungle 4.89%
neighborhood 4.35%
pussy 4.35%
kitty 2.72%
mother 2.72%
donor 2.17%
farm 2.17%
sabertooth 2.17%
tortoiseshell 2.17%
pussy + n. >>共 3
cat 80.00%
bite 10.00%
thing 10.00%
每页显示:    共 8