1.   In the next court Geoffrey Turton was performing with his head, pushing the ball down a bit of drainpipe.

2.   Because supply and demand matter, he added, that is likely to drive up the price of Treasury bonds, pushing down their yields.

3.   Costs associated with ramping up production hurt its first-quarter earnings, pushing its stock down.

4.   He walked down a ramp and onto a teeter-totter, pushing one side down onto the handle of an air pump.

5.   In practical terms, that means pushing decisions down to lower levels of government.

6.   Long-term bonds have also rallied, pushing interest rates down.

7.   That pumps money into the banking system, pushing interbank rates down.

8.   When global investors sell U.S. securities, they frequently convert the dollar proceeds into other currencies, pushing the dollar down.

9.   Brazilian coffee harvest best in a decade, pushing prices down.

10.   This rapid combustion in turn raises the temperature of the resulting mixture, and causes it to expand, thus pushing the piston down.

v. + down >>共 103
drive 6.84%
push 5.79%
come 3.68%
look 3.68%
pass 3.16%
be 2.11%
bring 2.11%
bear 2.11%
go 2.11%
press 2.11%
push + v. >>共 59
be 23.85%
down 8.46%
back 6.15%
activate 3.08%
forward 3.08%
up 3.08%
cause 2.31%
yield 2.31%
further 1.54%
do 1.54%
每页显示:    共 11