1.   They will see the demonstration through, and probably make some excuse at the end to delay the purchase decision.

2.   As far as factoring bit depth into your purchase decision, you should take into account how you will be using the scanner.

3.   At least one company is betting that consumers are willing to pay for advice, although the services offered generally do not focus on purchase decisions.

4.   All purchase decisions will be made by the group.

5.   Investors said the U.S. remains the key influence in determining their bond purchase decisions.

6.   Most purchase decisions, however, are not between such extremes but between more similar vehicles, like a typical car and a typical SUV.

7.   No government official would have any say over actual purchase decisions.

8.   People think cars and houses are bigger purchase decisions, yet they trade in their cars every three years and switch homes every seven.

9.   Put the cash in their hands before a shopping trip so the purchase decision is theirs.

10.   I mention this because many providers of services and manufacturers of products treat purchase decisions in a very discreet fashion.

n. + decision >>共 716
court 19.82%
government 7.10%
policy 5.00%
business 4.84%
investment 3.70%
personnel 2.76%
split 2.61%
appeal 2.49%
majority 1.46%
management 1.36%
purchase 0.23%
purchase + n. >>共 183
price 41.17%
agreement 9.89%
order 4.95%
plan 4.06%
contract 2.39%
accounting 2.12%
option 1.50%
offer 1.50%
date 1.33%
cost 1.06%
decision 1.06%
每页显示:    共 12