1.   Funding based on age-related pupil numbers May not run to small groups and bespoke programmes for individual pupils.

2.   First of all the issue of increasing pupil numbers.

3.   We are also able to fund this year this very substantial increase in pupil numbers.

4.   But falling pupil numbers at Soudley Primary School could lead to it being shut down within the next few years.

5.   The convener went on to warn against funding schools on the basis of their pupil numbers.

6.   Some believe the school should opt out and reduce pupil numbers.

n. + number >>共 1062
phone 19.32%
telephone 12.97%
identification 3.68%
two 2.73%
poll 2.28%
world 1.98%
account 1.29%
production 1.18%
three 1.17%
issue 0.85%
pupil 0.09%
pupil + n. >>共 46
number 10.29%
assessment 7.35%
home 5.88%
performance 4.41%
achievement 2.94%
dilation 2.94%
behaviour 2.94%
movement 2.94%
pore 2.94%
service 2.94%
每页显示:    共 7