1.   Theuderic, meanwhile, mounted a punitive raid against the Auvergne - ostentatiously avoiding the Burgundian campaign.

2.   Theuderic, meanwhile, mounted a punitive raid against the Auvergne -- ostentatiously avoiding the Burgundian campaign.

3.   The spokemsan for the main opposition Congress party, Jaipal Reddy, warned of the dangers of punitive raids against a nuclear power like Pakistan.

4.   The spokesman for the main opposition Congress party, Jaipal Reddy, warned of the dangers of punitive raids against a nuclear-armed power such as Pakistan.

a. + raid >>共 371
bombing 17.83%
israeli 5.45%
pre-dawn 4.27%
separate 2.61%
first 2.33%
military 2.33%
recent 2.13%
latest 2.02%
second 1.90%
overnight 1.82%
punitive 0.16%
punitive + n. >>共 134
measure 22.60%
action 16.47%
tariff 14.36%
damage 8.76%
sanction 6.86%
trade 2.22%
award 2.01%
duty 1.90%
strike 1.69%
tax 1.58%
raid 0.42%
每页显示:    共 4