1.   In either case, my recipe makes half a cup of this pungent sauce, but it can easily be doubled.

2.   Serve with jasmine rice and a pungent Thai sauce.

3.   The Burmese, like the Thais and Laotians, love raw vegetables and greens and eat them with a pungent dipping sauce that usually contains chilies.

4.   This pungent sauce, borrowed from the Greeks, was highly prized.

a. + sauce >>共 421
hot 9.04%
remaining 4.55%
cranberry 4.28%
chocolate 3.57%
dipping 3.14%
caramel 2.92%
wine 2.71%
red 2.44%
peanut 2.11%
picante 1.73%
pungent 0.22%
pungent + n. >>共 138
smell 15.69%
odor 6.20%
aroma 5.47%
flavor 3.28%
smoke 2.92%
cheese 2.19%
herb 1.82%
fume 1.46%
garlic 1.46%
sauce 1.46%
每页显示:    共 4