1.   Anthrax used as a biological warfare agent is designed to cause the pulmonary form of the disease.

2.   The pulmonary form of the infection causes fever and flulike symptoms like chills, muscle aches and cough.

3.   The scare has been mitigated somewhat by evidence that anthrax, even in the most lethal pulmonary form, is treatable.

4.   Though the pulmonary form of anthrax has long been known as a potential weapon, Florida officials initially said they did not suspect foul play.

a. + form >>共 1044
new 4.73%
different 2.77%
top 2.24%
current 1.87%
common 1.78%
good 1.57%
human 1.28%
present 1.27%
rare 1.20%
traditional 0.94%
pulmonary 0.03%
pulmonary + n. >>共 76
hypertension 15.45%
disease 12.04%
embolism 10.73%
fibrosis 8.38%
anthrax 5.50%
edema 4.97%
tuberculosis 4.19%
problem 3.40%
specialist 2.09%
medicine 2.09%
form 1.05%
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