1.   Publishers would not print his earlier poetry because they felt it was too obscure.

2.   When the book was first written no publisher would print it.

3.   In this arrangement, known as custom publishing, consumer publishers print magazines for corporate clients, which then distribute them free to customers or for nominal subscription rates.

4.   Instead, Moore dug in his heels and tried to get the publisher to print the book in its original form.

5.   No writer, except perhaps some authors of blockbusters, ever thinks their publishers print enough copies of books.

6.   Stores say the reason they are stocking more Spanish-language books is that more American publishers are printing them.

7.   The publishers printed it as it was, and I have never been able to look at it and see the David I knew.

8.   When Guevara died later that year, the publisher printed millions of posters featuring it and distributed them throughout Europe and the United States, without giving Korda credit.

n. + print >>共 223
newspaper 21.58%
paper 5.82%
government 4.32%
company 3.38%
user 2.44%
magazine 2.06%
bank 1.50%
printer 1.50%
publisher 1.50%
paw 1.13%
publisher + v. >>共 504
be 10.34%
say 8.91%
have 4.56%
want 2.09%
make 1.59%
offer 1.37%
do 1.21%
try 1.15%
hope 0.99%
agree 0.93%
print 0.44%
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