1.   Of course, many formally published studies are based on primary-direct observation data.

2.   The interview data were contextualized by internal company documents, the business press and other published academic studies.

3.   This problem is likely to be encountered often by Decision makers wishing to assess the methodological quality of published studies.

4.   According to a published study, visible improvements appear in the skin texture after two or three months of treatment.

5.   There is a general feeling in published studies that colitis extending beyond the splenic flexure can be regarded as extensive in terms of cancer risk.

6.   It is difficult to speculate on the discrepancies with previously published studies.

7.   The differences between our results and those of some published studies may be partly explained by variations in design and analysis.

8.   At the time, there were no published scientific studies either way on whether implants caused disease.

9.   A German group, whose report appears today in the American Heart Association journal Circulation, represents the first published study showing new blood vessel growth in human hearts.

10.   According to some recently published studies, not all fields are overstocked, and there are some early signs of an improving job market over all.

a. + study >>共 658
new 13.19%
recent 6.98%
further 3.76%
previous 3.06%
scientific 2.35%
earlier 2.26%
clinical 1.27%
animal 1.24%
independent 1.17%
first 1.12%
published 0.27%
published + n. >>共 243
report 39.90%
book 3.94%
account 3.33%
interview 2.58%
study 2.31%
work 1.84%
article 1.50%
paper 1.29%
poet 1.22%
material 1.22%
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