1.   Listing particulars A company which is seeking a listing on the London Stock Exchange is obliged to prepare and publish listing particulars.

2.   A. The local tourist-information centers at Great Yarmouth and Lowestoft publish brochures listing accommodations in those areas.

3.   Many books have been published listing typical interview questions and ideal responses.

4.   The two major networks, Cirrus, linked to Mastercard, and Plus, linked to Visa, publish leaflets listing foreign banks that tie into their networks.

v. + list >>共 39
apply 29.41%
be 28.57%
use 5.88%
publish 3.36%
file 2.52%
find 1.68%
read 1.68%
buy 0.84%
can 0.84%
charge 0.84%
publish + v. >>共 68
show 9.17%
coincide 6.42%
say 5.50%
be 4.59%
list 3.67%
document 2.75%
use 2.75%
accord 1.83%
expose 1.83%
commemorate 1.83%
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