1.   By the time this letter is published, the Faculty examination consultation period will have expired.

2.   He refused to publish the letter.

3.   I do hope you will be courageous enough to publish this letter.

4.   People should have the right of reply when a magazine has published letters criticizing them.

5.   The Herald published a letter by Owens that voiced her complaints about her interview with the board.

6.   Editors sometimes justify their refusal to publish letters by victims of attacks in their newspapers, on the grounds that they contain passages libellous of their journalists.

7.   You published a letter from Tej Singh.

8.   Also named were two city councilors who published letters highly critical of the mayor.

9.   A group of admirals and generals published a letter in January calling on Boris Yeltsin to point nuclear missiles at the capital cities of NATO members.

10.   After his October letter was published, Rahimi was hauled before a military court and questioned for four hours, the source said.

v. + letter >>共 344
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