1.   All four columns were published in April and May of this year.

2.   Dershowitz Friday issued a challenge to the newspaper and to Barnicle to publish the column Barnicle mentioned on the Brudnoy show, which never appeared.

3.   Erma persuaded the weekly to publish her columns.

4.   In October, the paper published a column in which its ombudsman, Dan Hortsch, raised the question of when The Oregonian should stop.

5.   Please do not publish that column.

6.   Reynolds, who had met the two through concerned offenders program, decided to publish the column.

7.   The EDUCATION column is published weekly, on Wednesdays.

8.   The jinx began even before the column was published.

9.   The ruling led many of his colleagues to publish angry columns in protest.

10.   The top three executives of that paper are in police custody on charges of sedition for publishing the column.

v. + column >>共 341
write 27.68%
read 5.65%
see 2.00%
have 2.00%
send 1.66%
publish 1.41%
devote 1.33%
do 1.33%
accompany 1.25%
use 1.25%
publish + n. >>共 641
book 8.80%
report 6.13%
article 4.67%
result 4.03%
study 2.72%
story 2.66%
finding 2.49%
list 2.26%
name 2.10%
letter 1.80%
column 0.25%
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