1.   More recently, Diana had been publicizing the dangers of land mines, visiting Angola and Bosnia.

2.   She called on the company to publicize the danger of eating fish from the river and to stop fostering misleading studies.

3.   Authorities have tried to discourage migrants by publicizing the dangers of the journey and of dealing with smugglers.

4.   His department said it will try to publicize the dangers of hiking in the wild.

5.   In an attempt to scare smokers into quitting, the government publicizes the dangers of tobacco relentlessly.

6.   The flagship of the environmental group Greenpeace, the Rainbow Warrior, arrived in St. Thomas yesterday to publicize the dangers of shipping hazardous nuclear waste.

7.   The flagship of the environmental group Greenpeace, the Rainbow Warrior, arrived in St. Thomas Sunday to publicize the dangers of shipping hazardous nuclear waste.

8.   They said they did this to publicize the dangers of PFC.

v. + danger >>共 308
pose 17.66%
face 5.96%
see 4.09%
increase 2.55%
reduce 2.47%
present 2.34%
avoid 2.26%
know 2.17%
highlight 2.13%
recognize 1.91%
publicize 0.34%
publicize + n. >>共 344
case 3.51%
problem 2.63%
name 2.38%
cause 2.01%
plight 2.01%
fact 1.88%
information 1.76%
finding 1.76%
report 1.38%
effort 1.25%
danger 1.00%
每页显示:    共 8