1.   Ari Karpel, publicity manager at TV Guide magazine, New York, owned by News Corp., was promoted to the new position of editorial publicity director.

2.   As a publicity director at Alfred A. Knopf, Nicholas Latimer knows the value of a good angle.

3.   At other publishing houses, publicity directors agreed it would be wise to include obvious political destinations on a Gingrich tour because they might heighten media interest.

4.   Aikman thanked everyone from owner Jerry Jones to coaches and players to trainers and equipment managers to publicity directors, money managers, stadium operators and secretaries.

5.   Dodgers publicity director Derrick Hall approached Claire.

6.   Instead, in a dank clubhouse, they listened in silence as assistant publicity director Derrick Hall read a statement from Butler and his wife, Eveline.

7.   Karen Baratz, publicity director for the Discovery Channel, which is a unit of Discovery Communications, said the executive recalled the discussion with Baldwin differently.

8.   Joe Carver Sr., who works for Waltrip today, was publicity director at the Nashville track when the new driver showed up.

9.   Later, he was hired as traveling secretary and publicity director for the Cincinnati Reds baseball team.

10.   Or that she had been dismissed from her next job, as publicity director of a segregated Washington hotel, after letting black Oberlin alumni attend a banquet there.

n. + director >>共 743
deputy 9.94%
music 4.65%
film 3.80%
communication 2.60%
finance 2.35%
personnel 2.16%
company 2.08%
research 2.05%
museum 1.90%
tournament 1.86%
publicity 0.25%
publicity + n. >>共 230
stunt 17.30%
campaign 14.54%
agent 4.82%
department 3.87%
tour 3.53%
machine 3.18%
material 2.93%
blitz 2.84%
hound 2.32%
photo 2.15%
director 1.81%
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