1.   The call followed growing public unrest with several confrontations between the trade union movement and the government.

2.   American officials had also hoped that economic privations and the prospect of a freezing winter might lead to a new wave of public unrest against the Milosevic government.

3.   Both foreign observers and Nepalese palace watchers said public unrest over the royal killings did not reflect dissatisfaction with the elected government.

4.   But an undeniable momentum is building, fueled by public unrest.

5.   But a Palestinian official said Barak has hardened his positions because of public unrest back home and the fact that many in his governing coalition have abandoned him.

6.   He was a symbol of black pride in a time of change and public unrest.

7.   Its economy is failing, public unrest and hostility to the regime are growing.

8.   Prime Minister Primakov addresses the nation on TV in an effort to calm public unrest.

9.   The unpopular decision could also spark public unrest and possible violence in the lead-up to the volatile race for president.

a. + unrest >>共 225
social 19.10%
civil 12.55%
political 8.55%
recent 3.03%
growing 2.74%
widespread 2.52%
public 2.00%
further 1.85%
ethnic 1.74%
possible 1.70%
public + n. >>共 762
support 2.43%
fund 2.08%
appearance 2.05%
hearing 1.96%
comment 1.87%
official 1.85%
transport 1.69%
education 1.68%
statement 1.66%
office 1.58%
unrest 0.10%
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