1.   I went through all the public disclosure forms.

2.   In addition, he especially should have ensured that plans were made for handling any public disclosure of the initiative.

3.   Public disclosure of the conference call has sparked a political firestorm.

4.   Unlike campaign contributions, public disclosure is not required for these kinds of events.

5.   Public disclosure of the terms of the out-of-court settlement renders it null and void.

6.   Although Louganis revealed he was gay more than a year ago, he struggled with public disclosure that he had AIDS.

7.   Although Mrs. Waldholtz has been cooperating with federal authorities, she has so far avoided public disclosure.

8.   And our history reveals how misinformation and stonewalling have been used in attempts to prevent public disclosure of incompetence, unethical behavior and criminal behavior.

9.   At one point, Clinton pointed to the campaign finance laws that require public disclosure of all contributors as proof that any excesses made by Democrats were unintentional.

10.   Balanced political decisions and, ultimately, the authority of the law both depend on full public disclosure of the best available information.

a. + disclosure >>共 293
financial 13.75%
full 12.86%
public 9.88%
new 5.12%
greater 3.63%
recent 2.56%
corporate 1.55%
latest 1.49%
selective 1.49%
embarrassing 1.37%
public + n. >>共 762
support 2.43%
fund 2.08%
appearance 2.05%
hearing 1.96%
comment 1.87%
official 1.85%
transport 1.69%
education 1.68%
statement 1.66%
office 1.58%
disclosure 0.32%
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