1.   Oh, thank you.

2.   Desperate, frantic, Bickers finally phoned a psychic friend, who told her to look again behind a sofa cushion.

3.   I tested the cheaper version, but if you believe I tried every last feature, I have some psychic friends who want to make your acquaintance.

4.   Psychic friends of the world, Lou Merloni has no use for you.

a. + friend >>共 466
close 15.12%
old 11.95%
best 9.57%
good 7.22%
longtime 6.21%
family 4.90%
new 3.79%
personal 1.63%
closest 1.37%
mutual 1.26%
psychic 0.03%
psychic + n. >>共 236
power 4.46%
energy 3.52%
phenomenon 3.52%
ability 2.82%
reading 2.58%
scar 2.11%
wound 2.11%
connection 1.88%
hotline 1.64%
gift 1.64%
friend 0.94%
每页显示:    共 4