1.   I had to get a screwdriver to pry the lid off of the paint can..

2.   Dorcas had given this a lot of thought as teams of nomes sweated to pry the lids off the paint-streaked tins.

3.   But if you try to pry the lid off, you will find that Tom Watson is a public figure and a private man.

4.   On one side were those who wondered what kind of idiot would put hot liquid in her lap and pry the lid off in a moving car.

5.   So on Thursday, Cohen and his real estate agent pried the lid of the drum open with a screwdriver.

6.   But where critics pry the lid of Malaysian kinks and expose us, Adibah gently unscrews the top and makes us able to see ourselves honestly.

v. + lid >>共 111
keep 35.71%
put 12.28%
lift 7.35%
remove 5.05%
close 3.79%
open 3.79%
place 1.95%
blow 1.95%
take 1.84%
keep_on 1.72%
pry 0.69%
pry + n. >>共 131
open 11.52%
information 4.61%
secret 3.69%
eye 3.23%
lid 2.76%
money 2.30%
bar 2.30%
door 1.84%
passenger 1.84%
lock 1.38%
每页显示:    共 6