1.   They see the United States as fighting a proxy counterinsurgency war disguised as a crusade against drugs.

2.   He says there is no tidy way to fight a proxy war sponsored by Pakistani-trained militants under civil law.

3.   As the proxy war in Lebanon had been simmering, a more threatening rebellion was brewing at home.

4.   Barring Belarus and the rump of Yugoslavia, Russia has no allies through which to further a proxy war with the West.

5.   But, this is a complex proxy war.

6.   Even when the Soviet Union and the United States were fighting proxy wars around the globe, neither provided their allies with the bomb.

7.   Four thousand American military advisers found difficulty waging a proxy war in South Vietnam.

8.   HP got its biggest boost in the proxy war two weeks ago when Institutional Shareholder Services, the influential proxy advisory firm, endorsed the merger.

9.   If First Interstate turns down the offer, a proxy war is sure to flare, the analysts predicted.

10.   In past years, the fighting was a lot messier a lot more often, as managers and shareholders waged all-out proxy wars.

n. + war >>共 590
guerrilla 13.12%
trade 11.57%
air 6.32%
drug 6.17%
turf 4.17%
gulf 3.48%
ground 2.99%
border 2.17%
culture 2.04%
propaganda 1.81%
proxy 1.29%
proxy + n. >>共 87
fight 23.20%
statement 16.30%
war 8.81%
battle 6.31%
vote 5.73%
militia 5.43%
material 3.52%
contest 3.38%
server 2.50%
firm 2.35%
每页显示:    共 60