1.   Standard duplicate biopsy specimens were taken from the proximal limb, the anterior wall, the posterior wall, and the body of the reservoir.

2.   One patient only showed significant inflammation in the proximal limb.

3.   While focality of pathological changes has been observed, very little is known about the distribution of inflammatory and metaplastic changes in the reservoir and the proximal limb.

4.   Only one patient showed significant inflammation in the proximal limb.

5.   Inflammation in the proximal limb was also unusual.

a. + limb >>共 274
artificial 13.22%
broken 8.38%
missing 4.06%
severed 3.53%
lower 3.27%
prosthetic 3.01%
long 1.70%
upper 1.70%
phantom 1.57%
deformed 1.31%
proximal 0.79%
proximal + n. >>共 38
colon 11.96%
duodenum 7.61%
angle 6.52%
limb 6.52%
enteropathy 6.52%
bowel 5.43%
end 5.43%
hepaticojejunostomy 4.35%
arm 4.35%
adenoma 3.26%
每页显示:    共 6