1.   But big-footing it into a foreign market with a fat checkbook can provoke the ire of local broadcasters.

2.   Few offered specific examples of tracks they want sold, provoking the ire of the commissioners.

3.   He is unlikely to provoke the ire of Washington, which backed the coup that toppled Allende.

4.   In some regards, men in Srebrenica provoked the ire of the rebel Serbs who surrounded them.

5.   Moreover, loud protests can provoke the ire of muscular pimps.

6.   The Pentagon set strict standards for the gulf war that provoked the ire of many editors.

7.   He also widened sidewalks and prohibited parking on a main shopping avenue, initially provoking the ire of merchants but eventually winning people over.

8.   His comments provoke the ire of some Italians.

9.   Some editors are learning that more aggressive reporting on crime, corruption, scandal and disasters attracts readers and advertising, even if it can also provoke official ire.

10.   Ukrainian lawmakers scuffled on the parliament floor Thursday after a Communist legislator hoisted a mini-Soviet flag, provoking the ire of his nationalist foes.

v. + ire >>共 63
draw 35.06%
raise 22.92%
arouse 6.29%
earn 2.92%
provoke 2.70%
risk 2.70%
rouse 2.70%
direct 2.47%
attract 1.57%
stir 1.57%
provoke + n. >>共 647
protest 3.97%
outrage 3.90%
violence 3.57%
attack 2.91%
criticism 2.81%
debate 2.38%
outcry 2.22%
anger 2.18%
confrontation 1.98%
clash 1.95%
ire 0.40%
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