1.   But many Chechens regard the Moscow-supported provisional council as Russian puppets, close to the former Communist power structure, who bring shame to Chechnya.

2.   Delegates from four different Afghan opposition groups will meet with U.N. officials to discuss forming a provisional council that will govern the country.

3.   However, that was too far for China, which has chosen its own provisional council to replace the legislature as soon as it gains control in July.

4.   In a letter to former President Clinton in December, Aristide pledged to include opposition figures in his government and appoint a new provisional electoral council.

5.   Next, the provisional council would form a traditional administration and a plan for a political transition to take no more than two years.

6.   Solovat Geibertayev, a member of the provisional council, said in an interview that the opposition was opposed both to Dudayev and the Russian invasion.

7.   That meeting would propose concrete steps to convene a provisional council drawn from all ethnic and regional groupings and presided over by someone who symbolized national unity.

8.   The last president of the provisional electoral council resigned and went into exile soon after the May elections, saying he had been pressured to ratify questionable results.

9.   You said you intend to disband the Hong Kong Legislative Council, Legco, and appoint your own provisional council.

10.   Yet China has said nothing about how the provisional council is to work in practice.

a. + council >>共 426
local 11.13%
legislative 7.04%
palestinian 5.25%
new 4.80%
central 4.44%
advisory 3.94%
municipal 3.89%
ruling 2.93%
electoral 2.88%
tribal 2.60%
provisional 1.49%
provisional + n. >>共 247
legislature 14.31%
legislator 10.36%
government 10.08%
council 4.16%
state 3.95%
result 3.24%
body 3.03%
pole 2.04%
ballot 1.97%
approval 1.48%
每页显示:    共 59