1.   Each one provides the balance at the year end for the defined area.

2.   Each reader contains two pages of activities which provide a balance of structural and communicative activities.

3.   On the other side of the terrace a raised bed provides visual balance and accommodates a specimen Juniper and winter flowering heathers.

4.   To provide balance in her news story, she interviewed members of both political parties.

5.   This is a welcome stylistic development and provides a balance to the rest of the work.

6.   And Starks must understand that He has provided a balance to nature.

7.   Buggies, which are inspected for sturdiness by rink monitors, provide balance for unwieldy parents.

8.   Dads provide balance in protectiveness.

9.   Devotees, she said, also feel that RVing provides a balance between freedom and community.

10.   Dickstein said it would provide the balance.

v. + balance >>共 312
lose 9.99%
strike 9.11%
tip 5.87%
maintain 4.70%
find 3.62%
achieve 3.62%
keep 3.41%
restore 3.08%
have 3.08%
regain 3.00%
provide 1.58%
provide + n. >>共 996
detail 6.39%
information 4.94%
service 4.41%
support 2.30%
evidence 1.86%
assistance 1.63%
security 1.54%
money 1.50%
protection 1.39%
opportunity 1.33%
balance 0.08%
每页显示:    共 38