1.   It is an accepted fact of scientific logic that you can never prove something true.

2.   The theory bedevils scientists, none of whom have been able to prove it true or false.

3.   The maxim that man learns nothing from history is often proved true that the bill I said shows the government learning from history.

4.   And early in the primary season, it looked like thse predictions would prove true, as the GOP contenders took turns making clear their opposition to affirmative action.

5.   Brown says that even if the charges are proven true, the case against the officers proves that the Police Department is working in Oakland.

6.   But these differences prove true the old adage that people should be judged not on how they look or talk, but on what they do.

7.   Everything we said about their sneaky, underhanded ways is at last being proved true.

8.   Experience has time and again proved this true.

9.   For his part, Mwau has fiercely defended the charges against the four officials and has said he will resign if they are not proved true in court.

10.   If the allegations against Kozlowski are proved true, they would provide an example.

v. + true >>共 16
hold 53.42%
prove 19.88%
keep 6.83%
make 6.83%
find 2.48%
think 1.86%
admit 1.24%
believe 1.24%
consider 1.24%
have 1.24%
prove + a. >>共 282
wrong 31.04%
right 7.57%
correct 3.82%
effective 3.13%
guilty 2.75%
difficult 2.45%
true 2.45%
false 2.06%
worthy 1.83%
innocent 1.76%
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