1.   Every self is an argument trying to prove its identity.

2.   After being amputated to prove his identity, they were conserved in formaldehyde and eventually transferred surreptitiously from Bolivia to Cuba.

3.   Delays can occur if you have no way of immediately proving your identity, or when local photography studios are closed.

4.   Digital certificates are issued by VeriSign, as well as other companies, to prove identity in a digital era where commerce is increasingly transacted anonymously over computer networks.

5.   During a hearing in federal court here Tuesday, the man refused to admit he was Johnson and is challenging federal authorities to prove his identity.

6.   He said it also is possible he would seek an order to have one or both dogs destroyed, if the identities can be proven.

7.   In Mexico, however, she had to repeatedly prove her identity and submit her luggage to numerous inspections.

8.   Proving its identity might take four or five years, Lawrence said.

9.   The applicant must present either original or certified copies of documents proving her identity.

10.   The next version of Navigator will include identification numbers from VeriSign Inc., which are used to prove the identity of a sender and receiver.

v. + identity >>共 323
reveal 8.45%
confirm 6.56%
know 6.35%
release 6.04%
disclose 5.49%
establish 4.53%
protect 3.37%
conceal 2.95%
withhold 2.85%
verify 2.75%
prove 1.03%
prove + n. >>共 790
point 10.35%
innocence 5.02%
case 4.72%
worth 3.01%
charge 1.84%
allegation 1.84%
claim 1.53%
mettle 1.44%
boon 1.41%
fitness 1.29%
identity 0.90%
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