1.   Finally, although it is not proved beyond reasonable doubt, most experts agree that dry foods are beneficial to the teeth.

2.   For example, one can prove beyond a reasonable degree of doubt that a conservation project reduces the rate of soil removal.

3.   Geological evidence proves beyond doubt that it is three million years old.

4.   In a criminal trial, guilt has to be proven beyond reasonable doubt.

5.   In many cases, it will be hard for the prosecution to prove beyond reasonable doubt that he is lying.

6.   The prosecution must prove beyond reasonable doubt that the accused is guilty of the crime.

7.   If theft is not proved beyond reasonable doubt, they should consider handling.

8.   Scepticism is the familiar name given to the appropriateness of doubting the reliability of something until it is proved beyond shadow of doubt.

9.   In any trial, the prosecution must prove beyond reasonable doubt that the material is obscene.

v. + beyond >>共 682
extend 12.37%
look 8.16%
go 5.82%
spread 3.95%
reach 3.84%
get 3.65%
expand 3.38%
burn 3.01%
lie 2.03%
see 1.70%
prove 1.40%
prove + p. >>共 53
in 30.85%
as 8.70%
on 7.59%
beyond 6.41%
to 5.70%
by 5.62%
with 4.91%
for 4.35%
at 4.11%
against 4.03%
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