1.   The protocol envisages Abkhazia as a union state within the boundaries of the former Soviet Georgian republic, with each side retaining a separate constitution.

2.   The protocol envisaged the separation of forces, progressive disarmament of separatist troops, the gradual retreat of Russian forces, an exchange of prisoners and an indefinite ceasefire.

3.   The peace protocol envisaged the formation of a new national army and the return of UNITA depuites to parliament with some taking up ministerial posts.

4.   The peace protocol envisaged the formation of a new national army and the return of UNITA deputies to parliament with some taking up ministerial posts.

n. + envisage >>共 83
plan 14.02%
accord 7.95%
agreement 6.82%
law 6.06%
proposal 6.06%
deal 4.17%
budget 3.03%
program 2.65%
document 1.89%
draft 1.89%
protocol 1.52%
protocol + v. >>共 97
be 20.71%
call 8.09%
dictate 5.50%
require 5.18%
allow 4.21%
provide 3.24%
have 2.59%
include 1.94%
apply 1.62%
make 1.62%
envisage 1.29%
每页显示:    共 4