1.   Addition of this phosphate group impairs the function of the essential protein, and viral protein synthesis fails to begin.

2.   But exactly how viral protein synthesis is selectively inhibited, leaving cellular protein synthesis relatively unaffected, is still not clear.

3.   Measuring the rate of protein synthesis then becomes a matter of measuring the rate at which amino acids are incorporated into proteins.

4.   The inhibitors might therefore be causing amnesia not because they prevent protein synthesis but because of their effect on increasing amino acid levels.

5.   We repeated the experiments with a precursor for protein and found that an increase in protein synthesis occurred also.

6.   Moreover, the increased rate of protein synthesis and breakdown correlated with the severity of the disease activity, as assessed from the patients erythrocyte sedimentation rates.

7.   Tumour protein synthesis has been previously measured in man by constant infusion of glycine or leucine.

8.   Moreover, the enrichment of neither of these alternatives may be representative of that of the true precursor, so that erroneous rates of protein synthesis may result.

9.   Measurements of protein synthesis in biopsies of colorectal tissue were made.

10.   It is therefore unlikely that the increased protein synthesis in benign tumours represents a metabolic marker for the malignant phenotype and more aggressive tumour.

n. + synthesis >>共 29
protein 37.78%
prostaglandin 11.11%
enzyme 7.78%
eicosanoid 4.44%
factor 3.33%
speech 3.33%
body 2.22%
collagen 2.22%
pepsinogen 2.22%
peptide 2.22%
protein + n. >>共 232
molecule 7.85%
synthesis 4.94%
supplement 3.49%
content 3.34%
concentration 3.05%
shake 2.62%
fragment 2.47%
level 2.33%
structure 2.18%
kinase 2.18%
每页显示:    共 34