1.   The stem-loop structure is therefore present to enable local perturbations in the DNA structure which allow the protein to interact with the single DNA strand.

2.   Hence, the real question about the foraging gene is, what proteins does its specified protein interact with?

3.   Proteins interact with one another and with the DNA of the genes in complex regulatory pathways.

4.   CuraGen said the map will help scientists map the way proteins interact, first in testing of fruit flies and ultimately in humans.

n. + interact >>共 193
people 7.81%
disturbance 5.73%
user 4.17%
air 2.60%
system 2.08%
character 1.82%
drug 1.82%
player 1.82%
child 1.56%
viewer 1.56%
protein 1.04%
protein + v. >>共 177
be 23.35%
cause 4.34%
have 3.72%
work 2.69%
bind 2.27%
do 2.27%
call 1.86%
become 1.65%
play 1.65%
form 1.65%
interact 0.83%
每页显示:    共 4