1.   Excessive protein intake can be dangerous, putting stress on the kidneys and causing dehydration.

2.   In extreme conditions where very little carbohydrate or fat is eaten, any protein intake can also be used as fuel.

3.   It is no use stimulating muscle growth if your protein intake is insufficient.

4.   To boost your protein intake, choose lentils, beans and pulses, which are all low in fat too.

5.   These disturbances are of course influenced by the level of nutrition, being exacerbated by a low protein intake and alleviated by a high protein diet.

6.   Higher protein intakes may promote the loss of calcium from bones as well.

7.   In hopes of better preserving muscle tissue, I have recently cut back on carbohydrates like pasta and rice and increased my protein intake somewhat.

8.   In fact, in one study, protein intake increased along with alcohol intake.

9.   This form of protein in the urine is often related to posture, exercise, excessive protein intake and other factors.

n. + intake >>共 70
food 16.83%
alcohol 15.56%
air 8.25%
calcium 6.35%
water 5.71%
energy 3.81%
protein 2.86%
sugar 2.86%
caffeine 2.54%
oxygen 2.22%
protein + n. >>共 232
molecule 7.85%
synthesis 4.94%
supplement 3.49%
content 3.34%
concentration 3.05%
shake 2.62%
fragment 2.47%
level 2.33%
structure 2.18%
kinase 2.18%
intake 1.31%
每页显示:    共 9