1.   Wear protective glasses when working with the saw.

2.   You need to wear protective glasses to view a solar eclipse.

3.   Charlie was wearing his goggles when a piece of molten metal struck them, shattering the protective glass and causing him eye injuries.

4.   And safe behind protective glass were actual alleged testimonials from people who had seen UFOs.

5.   As he fell to the ice, his right leg hit the edge of a panel of protective glass, causing a deep bruise to the right calf.

6.   Barak behind protective glass during the inquiry, Tuesday.

7.   A protective glass separated them from the death chamber.

8.   Do not smoke, create a spark or light a match near a battery, and always wear protective glasses and gloves.

9.   Embedded in their helmets were lightweight flat patches that emitted radio signals picked up by antennas clipped atop the protective glass boards around the rink.

10.   In contrast, the fourth-floor clinic where medical procedures took place was more protected with an elaborate system of glass and protective glass.

a. + glass >>共 942
broken 10.60%
flying 5.95%
dark 4.01%
shattered 2.94%
wine 2.46%
tall 2.14%
thick 2.12%
bulletproof 2.00%
large 1.79%
reading 1.69%
protective 0.67%
protective + n. >>共 532
clothing 6.60%
gear 6.02%
suit 3.95%
order 3.74%
measure 3.45%
effect 3.32%
equipment 2.12%
cover 1.95%
barrier 1.91%
layer 1.54%
glass 1.37%
每页显示:    共 33