1.   But the doctors wanted him to take this intermediate step before fitting him with prosthetic limbs.

2.   Deciphering the communications of nerve cells, for instance, would help in building better prosthetic limbs.

3.   Even attaching robots directly to humans in the form of responsive prosthetic limbs is close to becoming a reality.

4.   Following the Washington D.C. hearing, the amputees will undergo medical treatment and receive prosthetic limbs donated by a Staten Island, N.Y., businessman.

5.   Hall said Hermelin helped put together an American-Norwegian initiative to destroy small arms around the world and promote the delivery of prosthetic limbs to war victims.

6.   Medical treatment ranges from psychiatric care to amputees being fitted with prosthetic limbs.

7.   Not to mention the knees, ankles and toes that he needs to make prosthetic limbs.

8.   Obsessed with serving the Navy, Brashear refuses retirement, demanding to have his leg amputated so he can dive again with a prosthetic limb.

9.   Someday such technology might be used to create prosthetic limbs that obey the orders of the brain.

10.   The legs he lost have been replaced by prosthetic limbs donated by a Houston doctor who read of his accident.

a. + limb >>共 274
artificial 13.22%
broken 8.38%
missing 4.06%
severed 3.53%
lower 3.27%
prosthetic 3.01%
long 1.70%
upper 1.70%
phantom 1.57%
deformed 1.31%
prosthetic + n. >>共 41
leg 17.86%
device 16.43%
limb 16.43%
arm 6.43%
hand 5.00%
foot 4.29%
eye 2.86%
nose 2.14%
heart 1.43%
body 1.43%
每页显示:    共 23