1.   A reliable source had eluded him, although certain other prospects had yet to be properly investigated.

2.   What prospect has the prisoner of redress if he abandons the complaints procedure and applies to the courts?

3.   And while there is no proof so far that babies born from ICSI procedures have unusual diseases, the prospect has troubled some scientists.

4.   As their jobs have declined, so have their prospects of marriage, for who wants to link their lot with a jobless deadbeat?

5.   Aside from the moral and legal issues the prospect has raised, it also prompts some historic and esthetic questions.

6.   All the top minor-league prospects have major obstacles to overcome.

7.   But prospects have a funny way of turning into suspects, so nothing is guaranteed.

8.   For San Franciscans, the prospect of change has all the appeal of an earthquake.

9.   I confess, the prospect had me wincing.

10.   If the prospect of leasing rather than buying a new car has you cowering in confusion, you are not alone.

n. + have >>共 1318
company 3.47%
government 1.92%
team 1.89%
people 1.78%
country 1.14%
state 0.96%
official 0.95%
man 0.88%
player 0.88%
woman 0.87%
prospect 0.02%
prospect + v. >>共 309
be 43.56%
look 4.74%
seem 4.47%
remain 3.09%
appear 2.82%
improve 1.97%
have 1.65%
make 1.38%
dim 0.85%
brighten 0.85%
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