1.   But the group also expressed doubt that the initiatives would be enough to prosecute perpetrators of torture or end abuses.

2.   Amnesty urged governments to publicly condemn violence against women, criminalize it where it is not against the law, investigate all allegations and prosecute perpetrators.

3.   Arbour said there are clear indications that an armed conflict is in progress in Kosovo, and the tribunal has jurisdiction to prosecute perpetrators of possible war crimes.

4.   But the report assured the U.N. committee that torture is a criminal offense, perpetrators are prosecuted and victims are entitled to compensation.

5.   Few perpetrators were prosecuted and many ruling party militants benefitted from a blanket presidential pardon for most election-related violence.

6.   It acknowledges some people have been killed in retaliation, but denies it is policy and contends the perpetrators will be prosecuted.

7.   It said the government should investigate outbreaks of violence and prosecute the perpetrators.

8.   Prime Minister Kenny Anthony has promised the perpetrators will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

9.   The tribunal has only indicted the most prominent perpetrators while domestic courts across the Balkans are expected to prosecute other perpetrators in the decade-long bloodletting.

10.   They were won by lawyer Leonel Fernandez, who has promised to halt corruption and prosecute perpetrators.

v. + perpetrator >>共 97
bring 11.99%
punish 11.67%
identify 9.78%
catch 6.94%
find 5.05%
prosecute 4.42%
arrest 3.47%
apprehend 2.84%
track 1.89%
pursue 1.58%
prosecute + n. >>共 374
case 15.10%
crime 6.32%
people 3.56%
war 2.64%
offender 2.46%
official 2.39%
suspect 2.15%
man 1.96%
officer 1.60%
company 1.47%
perpetrator 0.86%
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