1.   Ministers from Germany, France and Ireland argued that the latest proposals potentially undermined the basis of the EC common agricultural policy.

2.   Business groups say the proposal would undermine German competitiveness.

3.   Catholics disagree over how stringently the rules would have to be enforced, but many Catholic academics fear the proposal would undermine academic freedom.

4.   Senate Minority Leader Tom Daschle, D-S.D., reiterated that threat Monday, saying the proposal would undermine public education and provide little benefit to most Americans.

5.   She said the proposals would fundamentally undermine existing laws by replacing health protection with economic considerations as the determining factor in setting environmental standards.

6.   She said she feared that such a proposal would undermine support for her bill, which is intended to make health insurance more readily available.

7.   This misguided proposal undermines the ability of the states to try more enlightened approaches.

8.   Union leaders also claim the proposals will undermine job security and not reduce employment.

9.   Union leaders claim the proposals will undermine job security and not reduce employment.

10.   Pakistan, a traditional foe of India, has said the proposals would undermine SAARC.

n. + undermine >>共 534
rate 2.14%
corruption 1.52%
attack 1.34%
crisis 1.25%
violence 1.25%
move 1.25%
bill 1.16%
change 1.16%
tunnel 1.07%
system 1.07%
proposal 0.89%
proposal + v. >>共 741
be 24.64%
have 3.88%
include 3.54%
call 3.13%
come 2.67%
go 2.34%
allow 2.13%
require 1.99%
draw 1.54%
give 1.37%
undermine 0.14%
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