1.   A homeowner who has paid down that loan or seen a significant increase in property value May no longer need this coverage.

2.   In the past, Massachusetts companies were taxed on a combination of all sales, property values and payroll.

3.   Inevitably the sharp drop in property values and the collapse of some property groups has highlighted the risks.

4.   Looks at evidence of abandonment including empty property, Declining property values, and demolition.

5.   Not only do property values erode and tax revenues dip.

6.   Now the grand structure can only enhance property values.

7.   Property values can vary from day to day.

8.   Property values have fallen sharply.

9.   Space savings can also provide hard cost savings, although this, of course, depends on commercial property rental values.

n. + value >>共 512
property 11.60%
shareholder 6.90%
dollar 4.67%
entertainment 4.63%
yen 4.34%
production 4.15%
asset 3.11%
shock 3.08%
share 2.75%
core 2.40%
property + n. >>共 483
owner 10.68%
right 10.51%
market 6.97%
value 5.61%
damage 5.18%
developer 4.56%
price 4.17%
stock 3.76%
sector 3.74%
company 3.60%
每页显示:    共 356