1.   The proper handling of these expectations will have a major impact on the overall success of the company following the acquisition.

2.   And in a mood-setting moment, Switzer then took a playful poke at Haley, the most volatile Cowboy, the one most requiring proper handling.

3.   And that means proper handling of food in the kitchen to prevent illnesses, Domer said.

4.   As part of the fallout of the case, Fallon pleaded guilty last year to Police Department charges of failing to supervise the proper handling of a prisoner.

5.   But proper handling is not yet the rule.

6.   He called for more guidelines on the proper handling of mold claims.

7.   His actions raise both ethical and legal issues about the proper handling of unpublished investment advice that have plagued financial journalism for years.

8.   Los Angeles postmaster Kerry Wolny personally picked up the new mailing Tuesday evening to ensure its proper first-class handling.

9.   Proper handling will be obvious at the fish counter.

10.   State public health laws address the proper handling of cadavers.

a. + handling >>共 263
careful 4.87%
rough 4.55%
poor 4.38%
better 3.73%
proper 3.41%
improper 3.08%
responsive 2.60%
safe 1.62%
gentle 1.46%
deft 1.30%
proper + n. >>共 1493
procedure 2.97%
way 2.16%
care 2.08%
place 1.70%
use 1.58%
treatment 1.52%
document 1.31%
training 1.13%
permit 1.10%
burial 1.09%
handling 0.32%
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