1.   Now the same fate has apparently befallen the humble slip, once a de rigueur prop in the quest for feminine propriety and proper dressing.

2.   Prada -- neat suits, pretty coats, proper dressing revisited.

3.   This ranges from proper dressing, etiquette, toexplaining their minds.

4.   With all this proper dressing, Oscar proved that your mother was right.

a. + dressing >>共 180
remaining 12.80%
italian 5.36%
casual 3.27%
creamy 2.68%
bottled 1.79%
ladylike 1.49%
mustard 1.49%
leftover 1.19%
hot 1.19%
proper 1.19%
proper + n. >>共 1493
procedure 2.97%
way 2.16%
care 2.08%
place 1.70%
use 1.58%
treatment 1.52%
document 1.31%
training 1.13%
permit 1.10%
burial 1.09%
dressing 0.06%
每页显示:    共 4