1.   Phe propeller unit was not where it was supposed to be.

2.   The NTSB concluded the pilot lost control of the plane because a part in the propeller control unit had prematurely worn out.

3.   The propeller unit was not where it was supposed to be.

4.   The crash was blamed on a problem in the propeller control unit.

n. + unit >>共 1353
police 7.95%
army 7.16%
business 3.56%
commando 2.00%
service 1.46%
power 1.38%
security 1.13%
defense 1.09%
burn 1.04%
rebel 1.04%
propeller 0.05%
propeller + n. >>共 43
plane 32.90%
aircraft 11.61%
blade 10.97%
problem 3.87%
shaft 3.87%
system 2.58%
unit 2.58%
airplane 1.94%
engine 1.94%
head 1.94%
每页显示:    共 4