1.   Because both sides can offer up proof positive that the game is only the way they say it is.

2.   But proof positive that candid conversation is overdue.

3.   It seemed proof positive to many that the empire was being dismantled in an orderly and liberal fashion.

4.   Just making it on to the ballot is proof positive of a distinguished career.

5.   On average people bought eight disks each, he said, proof positive that owners of new machines tend to stock up.

6.   Proof positive, they are saying, that Tarpley was never to be trusted.

7.   The gullies are now beautiful parks, proof positive of how land can be saved.

8.   This is proof positive that next year is going to be a really good year.

9.   But the marks are proof positive that the waif-like pop singer is starring in a film with her idol, martial arts legend Jackie Chan.

10.   Proof positive, perhaps, that Cleveland is back.

a. + positive >>共 60
false 29.35%
testing 9.78%
proof 7.07%
tested 5.43%
only 3.80%
the 3.80%
first 2.17%
big 2.17%
real 2.17%
lone 1.63%
proof + n. >>共 60
bullet 14.29%
vest 12.70%
positive 10.32%
stage 8.73%
jacket 3.17%
copy 2.38%
recession 2.38%
course 1.59%
do 1.59%
glass 1.59%
每页显示:    共 13