1.   The administration also praises the Senate bill for adding more consumer protections, such as prohibiting creditors from hounding debtors for money after they have completed bankruptcy proceedings.

2.   The creditor also is prohibited from threatening to damage your credit rating or reporting to a credit bureau that a payment is delinquent.

3.   The plan also prohibits Apex creditors from starting or continuing any lawsuit against Converse which relates to Apex.

4.   It prohibits creditors, for example, from calling indebted consumers late at night, repeatedly dunning them over the phone or threatening criminal prosecution without legal grounds.

5.   The court order placing the HMO in receivership prohibits its creditors from seeking payment from Harvard Pilgrim through federal bankruptcy.

v. + creditor >>共 120
pay 18.54%
repay 7.60%
pay_off 4.86%
satisfy 4.26%
represent 3.65%
leave 2.43%
protect 2.43%
ask 1.82%
favor 1.52%
pay_back 1.52%
prohibit 1.52%
prohibit + n. >>共 1034
use 5.14%
discrimination 3.50%
company 3.16%
sale 2.66%
official 1.66%
member 1.43%
employee 1.18%
government 1.18%
state 1.05%
people 1.02%
creditor 0.11%
每页显示:    共 5