1.   The program promotes economic development in the inner city.

2.   The program promoted sexual abstinence for young people.

3.   A provision in the legislation also requires the programs to promote marriage and two-parent families.

4.   Critics of affirmative action contend that such programs promote less qualified minorities and women at the expense of their white counterparts.

5.   Indeed, while critics have complained that the programs promote drug abuse, Varmus said Monday that is clearly not the case.

6.   Many lawmakers argued that such programs promote drug use, or at the very least, undermine the anti-drug message the nation is trying to send.

7.   National Geographic hopes its explorer program will promote conservation and scientific learning.

8.   Proponents say the program would promote conservation while ensuring that Arizona has an ample supply of water well into the next century.

9.   Social programs can promote individual self-improvement and self-sufficiency.

10.   Some weight loss programs promote special food combinations.

n. + promote >>共 641
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pressure 4.25%
wind 2.27%
group 1.99%
official 1.82%
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program + v. >>共 667
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