1.   Many school-to-work programs place a strong emphasis on SCANS-type competencies.

2.   An already successful walk-on program placed a greater emphasis on attracting nonscholarship talent.

3.   As in a word processor, standard headers and footers can be created and the program will place them on each page.

4.   In a month, his job-training program will place him in his first legal job in more than a decade.

5.   In California, prison outreach programs are placing parolees in trucking jobs.

6.   In the automatic mode, you provide the program with a list of words and clues, and the program will place them in a puzzle grid for you.

7.   Many background programs place an icon in the tray.

8.   Most four-year programs place a premium on having junior-college players on campus by spring practice, especially quarterbacks.

9.   Sensing the lack of connection with the outside world, the ASU program places a premium on getting its students out into the community.

10.   The Chile Homestudy program places its students in the houses of local teachers from the Santiago area.

n. + place >>共 1091
government 2.75%
official 2.36%
company 2.18%
authority 1.79%
report 1.38%
take 1.20%
police 1.17%
people 1.11%
team 1.05%
investor 0.99%
program 0.66%
program + v. >>共 667
be 24.79%
have 4.23%
include 2.76%
help 2.03%
provide 1.85%
allow 1.69%
work 1.54%
begin 1.46%
offer 1.44%
run 1.07%
place 0.16%
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