1.   Growing programs like the Rosenbluth International Alliance are rooted in principles like competing on quality of service rather than price.

2.   Many Internet users rely on separate mail programs like Eudora.

3.   Other programs like word processors, produce data files such as the letters you write.

4.   Programs like this one get kids involved in worthwhile activities.

5.   Although it was adorned with all kinds of cute little add-on programs like the Talking Moose, game makers largely ignored it.

6.   Already, Napster has spawned similar programs like Macster, Wrapster, iCrave and Gnutella.

7.   Although programs like www.racelegal.com are trying to encourage more to open their doors.

8.   America Online and Web-based e-mail programs like Hotmail would not be affected.

9.   An anti-virus program like McAfee VirusScan or Norton Anti-Virus can detect and disable Trojans if the user keeps the program up to date.

10.   AmeriCorps incorporates some existing programs like Vista.

n. + like >>共 1236
company 3.47%
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program + p. >>共 76
for 25.75%
in 16.60%
of 8.83%
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with 5.58%
on 5.25%
to 5.07%
as 3.37%
like 3.06%
from 2.64%
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