1.   Geographical convenience and the huge profits available guarantee that whatever Zedillo does, Mexico will remain a major transshipment point for Colombian drugs to the United States.

2.   Some provincial cadres argue that profit guarantees and tax breaks should be offered to potential investors in poorer areas.

3.   ACF Holdings proposes revision of profit guarantee, NEW STRAITS TIMES-

4.   But with current depressed prices, a lot of shares will have to be off-loaded to meet the profit guarantees.

5.   Discounting the profit guarantee, the Singaporean companies should be profitable based on their track record.

6.   Hamzah and Freida took their case to the High Court, seeking some reliefin respect of the profit guarantee.

7.   However, there is no security or bank guarantee provided by the vendors in respect of the profit guarantee.

8.   However, it is this same profit guarantee that excludes the possibility of Powertek experiencing higher earnings growth.

9.   Most companies are smalland one nagging question is whether the companies, especially those listedin the last three years, will be able to meet their profit guarantees.

10.   One of the conditions for listing is that these companies give a profit guarantee for three years upon listing.

n. + guarantee >>共 202
security 26.14%
loan 21.31%
government 6.63%
safety 4.12%
money-back 3.93%
job 3.41%
credit 2.96%
investment 2.19%
bank 2.19%
lifetime 1.74%
profit 0.84%
profit + n. >>共 282
growth 25.28%
warning 11.60%
forecast 5.46%
report 4.08%
figure 3.64%
increase 2.62%
gain 2.59%
outlook 2.59%
motive 2.30%
decline 2.24%
guarantee 0.39%
每页显示:    共 13