1.   Both building professionals and production managers are concerned with providing a working environment that optimises productive capacity.

2.   Classes emerge when the productive capacity of society expands beyond the level required for subsistence.

3.   The first possibility is that such an increase in productive capacity is not undertaken.

4.   We have a chronic trade deficit, high unemployment, and our productive capacity in manufacturing is simply too low.

5.   The resulting slump left a considerable proportion of productive capacity idle.

6.   Additional productive capacity will become necessary only if consumers spend enthusiastically.

7.   But once the economy reaches its productive capacity, the long-term growth rate depends on improvements in savings, investment, work effort and technology.

8.   By increasing economic efficiency, these analysts say, these cuts could actually boost federal revenues over time, as the productive capacity of the country increases.

a. + capacity >>共 651
full 7.57%
excess 6.90%
manufacturing 3.12%
generating 3.09%
official 2.75%
new 2.59%
refining 2.19%
limited 1.96%
private 1.59%
spare 1.56%
productive 1.23%
productive + n. >>共 356
sector 4.47%
life 4.06%
player 3.48%
capacity 3.07%
season 2.98%
use 2.40%
activity 2.15%
work 2.15%
citizen 1.99%
worker 1.82%
每页显示:    共 37