1.   And he said Ford Motor Co., which has already made some production cuts, would make further reductions.

2.   And there is the question of whether the production cuts will hold or have a significant impact.

3.   And these production cuts are slowing the entire industrial Midwest economy, which led the nation in growth through much of the last decade.

4.   Any production cuts by the cartel to support prices would be viewed as harmful to the U.S. economy and its efforts to combat terrorism.

5.   As demand shrinks and competing production rises, the cartel must follow its initial production cuts with further cuts, or watch the price of oil plunge again.

6.   Because demand for personal computer and electronics components tends to wane in summer months, a short-term production cut is unlikely to have a long-term impact.

7.   Both the production cuts and the job cuts had been widely anticipated.

8.   A key player in that effort may well be Russia, which is grabbing market share while OPEC debates production cuts.

9.   A production cut would crush earnings, in part because companies depreciate the fixed cost of chip plants over just four years.

10.   A Mitsubishi spokesman said the production cut is temporary and currently applies only to June.

n. + cut >>共 216
tax 40.36%
rate 10.29%
job 9.76%
budget 8.26%
price 3.55%
pay 2.83%
power 2.36%
production 1.59%
cost 0.85%
interest-rate 0.81%
production + n. >>共 627
cost 10.53%
company 7.18%
capacity 4.18%
facility 3.94%
cut 2.97%
process 2.91%
figure 2.44%
level 2.07%
quota 1.88%
value 1.82%
每页显示:    共 208