1.   Given consumer tastes, product prices are of fundamental importance in determining consumer expenditure patterns.

2.   Therefore, a higher product price is necessary to cover these rising costs.

3.   The influence of the technology you work with, the number and quality of co-operating factors and the product price are all relevant to the theory.

4.   There are a number of reasons why primary product prices should have begun to rise in real terms around this time.

5.   Analysts said rising international product prices will bolster earnings.

6.   Among these supply side factors are the wage increase and the series of increases in petroleum product prices resulting from the ongoing deregulation of the oil industry.

7.   An unexpected extension of planned outages could boost oil product prices as refiners scramble for refined supplies in order to meet deliveries customers have already paid for.

8.   Any increase in imports could force Canadian companies to lower product prices to maintain market share and that would erode profits across the board, analysts said.

9.   Any increase in imports would force Canadian companies to lower product prices to maintain market share and that would erode corporate profits.

10.   A stronger dollar is a boon to Japanese exporters because it increases the value of their dollar-denominated profits and eases pressures to raise product prices.

n. + price >>共 312
share 23.97%
oil 9.89%
future 4.88%
bond 3.87%
consumer 2.97%
wheat 2.72%
gasoline 2.56%
ticket 2.04%
commodity 1.89%
energy 1.83%
product 0.49%
product + n. >>共 705
line 13.05%
company 5.21%
development 4.93%
price 2.74%
placement 2.14%
manager 1.97%
maker 1.67%
future 1.64%
range 1.62%
category 1.45%
每页显示:    共 156